“ Another practical product from you guys... I partnered with a Facebook friend who is a lawyer. We already have over 11 clients booked this week. One has paid ($5,000); others will be paying before the month ends. From the look of things, we should hit $100k before the year ends. This was definitely worth every dime we paid. ”
“ I shared the PowerPoint proposal you provided with the owner of a local restaurant in New York. He was stoked. We fixed a skype call for next week so we can conclude on the fees. I will share the feedback and screenshot when we conclude. He went home to google ADA compliance fear gripped him. Haha... feeling guilty already, but the law is the law. ”
“ This is pure gold. I have absolutely no regrets about this purchase. It's now activated on all my websites. This has saved me thousands in fees If I were to pay for this service. I am looking forward to the new and improved version. With this, I will be able to prospect for businesses that need ADA complaint service and offer the service to them. ”
“ I made $4,500 from my first client and now over $50,000 in 7 weeks. I got to know about you through your product Contentburger, which gave me huge success. ADA Bundle is another winner. I got this client the first week working from home as things are still on some form of lockdown here. ”
“ I upsold ADA compliance service to one of my social media agency clients, and he paid. All I did was generate a report and forward it to him. It took me less than 1 hour to fix his Website. (Sweetest $1,500 ever). I never knew making money could be this easy. ”